my calendar page for January 23, 2024


Some may know that Joy and I took a trip to New Orleans to listen to the Dalai Lama speak several years ago; because I love the simplicity of his words and thoughts. It was wonderful to listen to this man who has seen so many changes and challenges throughout his life speak with a child-like wonder about our world. In attendance were several other spiritual leaders who shared the stage and words with the kindness you would expect of them.  

Now I am not Buddhist and do not subscribe to all of its beliefs, but there are writings I have read through the years that have brought me peace and understanding. I have even asked myself could I ever walk that life. The answer is no; no more than I would consider myself capable of walking Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Wiccan, Satanic, Native American….or any other beliefs. I am just not a religious person, and definitely do not believe in the organized religions involved that claim piousness…I come closer to walking the life than they ever will.  

I do believe that there are places where they cross…and though I have not always…I try to live there.  As I said, there are words written down that do move me to think, to reflect and I found a few this week. 

Joy gifted me a Dalai Lama calendar for Christmas. Monday’s page was one that caused me pause. 

Satisfaction is characterized by inner peace. It arises from generosity, honesty, and what I call ethical conduct, a way of behaving that respects others’ right to be happy.”

Generosity, honesty and ethical conduct (respecting others’ rights to be happy)…that just keeps banging from ear to ear, over and over. It didn’t feel that it was that long ago this was who we were as a country.  I know there were times and people who never felt this way, but not an entire movement or political party who feel this is not necessary.  

One ear to the other…

It has become all too easy for opportunists to create a website or podcast that spews hate against entire groups of people, religions, opponents…innocent children…just to make a few bucks and get a few likes.  These people have spawned, with false stories and histrionics, a new type of fanatic who run in whatever direction they are told; disrespecting everyone’s rights, disrespecting themselves and their families. Instead of stopping to help our fellow human – regardless of ethnicity or birthplace – we instead put up roadblocks (physical, emotional, verbal) to keep us from reaching that satisfaction; knowing peace.

I also found a Facebook post this week and shared it on my page.

I received one comment…”Takes more than that.”.  

Ear to Ear…

Yes. It takes more than that. It takes us all saying enough to what is going on in the world, and to stop saying we are right…regardless of others’ right to be happy…and without respecting others’ human dignity.

We need to stop listening to the lies of those who would profit from our anger and hate, we  must refuse to proliferate intolerance in the name of religion or politics, and we must look inside to see what we are doing to ourselves and others by following them.

But we have to start somewhere…we will never get there without taking steps…more than that has to start with us.

Anyway…just my calendar page for January 23, 2024…the bangin in my head forced me to let it out.  

A Website.